The Middle with AD Automatic

Favorite Alt2K Artist: The Killers & Glass Animals
Favorite non-Alt2k Artist: Waveshaper & S U R V I V E
Favorite app: (technology-wise, not appetizer-wise) Snapchat & Evernote
Favorite app: (okay tell me your favorite food app too) Corn Nuggets & Fried Pickles… I obviously can’t pick one of anything. Picking two is hard enough!
Favorite TV Show: Letterkenny & Stranger Things
Favorite Movie: Wayne’s World & Napoleon Dynamite
Favorite Cold Beverage: Sweet Tea & Fruit Flavored Sodas
Favorite Hot Beverage: Dark Coffee & Dark Decaf Coffee
Favorite Pizza Topping: Green Peppers & Onion
You’re on a deserted island and you can only listen to ONE album. The Killers – Hot Fuss
Who would win in a fight? A grilled cheese sandwich or a taco? Why? Taco. Ever broken a hard shell and cut yourself?!?!
Tell us one fun fact about yourself. I teach a dance/aerobic class!